
5 Carpet Cleaning Tips

As carpet cleaning professionals we are always asked for tips on how to keep carpets looking great. That is why we have put together 5 basic tips to help keep your carpet looking clean and fresh.

Carpet Cleaning Tip 1 - Create a Schedule

Dust accumulation is the biggest culprit in giving carpets that old, grungy look. A regular vacuum and shampoo schedule helps to reduce the dust level in your carpet. We recommend a quick vacuum every day (at least in the heavy traffic areas)to remove dust and a shampoo every 6-12 months. Be sure to buy all supplies beforehand (vacuum bags and/or belts, shampoo).

The combination of these methods when done properly will remove oils, greases and whatever stains finds itself on your carpet.

Carpet Cleaning Tip 2 - Clean Spills Immediately

The longer that you let spills and stains remain on your carpet the harder they are to clean. Take care of spills and stains as soon as possible (For a stain guide chart, click here) before you're faced with a permanent stain on your carpet.

Carpet Cleaning Tip 3 - Use Mats at the Doorway

Doorways are the most heavily trafficked areas and should be protected with a mat. This will reduce the amount of dirt and dust that end up on your carpet, and hopefully throughout the house. Don't forget to regularly vacuum the mats.

4. Carpet Cleaning Tip 4 - Stock Up on Carpet Cleaning Supplies

Carpet cleaners can be mild or very strong. Always read the ingredients, and ventilate the room well when cleaning.

When using these products please read the manufactures instructions carefully and take the necessary precautions like wearing gloves and using goggles.

Carpet Cleaning Tip 5 - Hire a carpet cleaning professional

Let someone else worry about deep cleaning the carpets!

To choose a carpet cleaning professional be sure to ask for references. You shouldn't trust your carpet just anyone. See our post How to Hire a Professional Carpet Cleaner.

We hope that these tips are helpful to you and your carpet. Take good care them.


  1. Thanks for the tips. I have some people that need their carpets cleaned. I will share this blog with them. Thanks!

    Carpet Cleaning Ellenbrook

  2. This is very helpful tips to take good care of my carpet investment. An investment like this should be cared for and maintained. Just vacuuming your carpet and mopping your tile floors is not enough to maintain them properly.

    Carpet Cleaning Sydney

  3. I agree with all of your handy tips. I try ad mop up spills as soon as they happen, hard with three young children, and I do have mats in the hallway and kitchen. The most important piece of advice hat I can give though is to use a professional carpet cleaning service. They clean my carpets once a year!

    Blanca Douglas @ Safeclean Ealing
